
With the demands on public transport constantly evolving, CDC puts innovation in motion. It is all about providing transport solutions that optimise safety, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness.


Transport for Today and Tomorrow

The demands on public transport are rapidly rising and constantly evolving. Mindful of these industry dynamics and the tight commercials that define public transport for today and tomorrow, CDC is progressive and innovative in our solution design.

Every day across Australia, CDC links people, places and communities. We know one link can’t meet all needs. Links are personal. Links are individual to mode, to geography, to demographics. We put the passenger and their transport needs at the centre of our transport solutions.

We’re an industry frontrunner. CDC brings international and interstate smarts to solve local issues. We are passionate about providing transport choices that optimise safety, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness.

Public transport is an essential part of tackling the pollution and congestion that impact so many of our cities and urban areas. We aim to future proof our transport networks by exploring innovations that enable us to move around more cleanly.

CDC experiments with emerging technologies to build new network capabilities that are valued, diverse and competitive. We put innovation in motion.

We are curious by nature and we always want to do better.

  • How can we improve the reliability of our transport services?
  • How can we improve the safety of our passengers, our drivers and other commuters?
  • How can we improve the customer journey?
  • How can we reduce our carbon footprint?
  • How can we reduce operating budgets and exceed performance targets?
Working Sustainably

Safer, Smoother Rides

Keeping our staff, passengers, fellow commuters and the broader community safe is CDC’s number-one priority. We’re early adopters of transformational technologies that are proven to increase safety and reduce the likelihood of collisions.

Mobileye – Keeping Passengers Safer

CDC became the largest bus company in Australia to install Mobileye in its Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Northern Territory fleets in 2017.

Mobileye is a vision-based collision avoidance system that helps improve driver habits and concentration, keeping passengers safer. Mobileye sends drivers real-time alerts warning about safe distances, forward collision hazards, lane departures without signal, pedestrians and cyclists.

The implementation of Mobileye, coupled with other technology and the training of drivers, has helped to enhance the safety of drivers, passengers and other road users in the communities that we serve.

By helping to prevent serious accidents and with a focus on safer roads, the risk of passenger injury and the frequency of cancelled or disrupted journeys can be reduced. A win all round.

For more information, please view the document – Case Study.

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Telematics – Building Safer Driving Culture

CDC is at the forefront of technology innovation with a substantial new investment in vehicle safety technology.

To enhance the safety performance of our drivers, CDC has commenced the implementation of GreenRoad, a leading safety telematics and driver behaviour management solution to over 1700 buses located in Victoria, Canberra and New South Wales. The implementation of GreenRoad in Victoria and Canberra was completed in October 2023, to be followed by New South Wales in early 2024.

CDC is also the first company in Australia to integrate GreenRoad with its existing Mobileye Advanced Driver Assistance System, providing drivers with comprehensive levels of safety support

Enhancing safety for passengers, drivers, and other road users, the GreenRoad technology is designed to improve driver performance on the road and increase operational efficiency, while reducing accidents by highlighting any risky driving practices.

The GreenRoad technology uses artificial intelligence and provides drivers with real-time coaching and support. It detects risky manoeuvres– like harsh cornering, braking, lane changing, acceleration and speeding and alerts drivers with real-time feedback to reduce these unsafe driving behaviours.

This technology also guides drivers toward more economical driving habits – encouraging smoother driving and less idling – to reduce fuel consumption and emissions and improve the range of battery-electric powered vehicles.

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