Graphic Elements

Graphic elements are used in design to help create a bold brand impact.


The divider is made of two elements, an orange rectangular bar and a blue rectangular bar with a 45º angled gap between them. The bars can be adjusted to any desired length, so long as the gap retains the 45º cut.

The divider can be used to break up body text, to divide images, text and colour blocks or as a footer, either bled to the page edge or sitting within the page margins.


The shard is an element that mimics the divider’s 45º angle. The shard works best when used in conjuction with the divider.

It can be used as a watermark or as
a container for text and photographs. As the watermark element should be kept quite subtle, apply a light gradient that fades out to 0% transparency as well as reducing the opacity of the entire element.

Graphic Elements Examples

Global offices